Gluten Free Fry Bread


There are many versions of this recipe, this is mine. It is not the Cherokee version that we had as kids, but it’s close. That bread was deep fried and crispy good! My Father-n-law made one of the best Indian Fry Breads I’ve ever tasted and is still one of my husband’s favorites. Honestly I think more than the taste of certain recipes, it’s the memories that go with it…

Gluten Free Fry Bread

1  1/2 Cups Betty Crocker GF Rice Flour ( I usually use Tom Sawyer GF and Betty Crocker GF mixed) (This is not GF Bisquick, but you can use it. If  using GF Bisquick, you may want to omit the salt.)

1/8 Teaspoon Xanthan Gum ( if you use a flour that already contains xanthan gum the omit this)

1/2 Teaspoon GF Baking Powder

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda

1/3 Cup GF Oil

1/3 Cup Milk

3 Eggs Beaten

In mixing bowl whisk together flour, xanthan gum, baking powder, salt, and baking soda. Then add oil, milk, and beaten eggs. Mix until smooth. Let set for 15 – 20 minutes or refrigerate overnight. When ready to fry, cover bottom of skillet with oil, ( just to coat the bottom). I like to turn the heat up on high just until the oil sizzles when adding a bit of dough, then turn down to medium high. Oil your hands and dip out a ball of dough about 2-3 inches around. Pat out dough until it is about the size of the palm of your hand. Gently turn it over into the skillet. ( Be careful you can get burned easily doing this.) Fry about 1-2 minutes per side or until browned on both sides. Remove from skillet and drain on paper towels. Repeat until dough is gone. As soon as bread is cool enough, place in zip lock bags and refrigerate until ready to use. You can heat in microwave or toast when ready to eat. I can get about 10 -12 flat breads from this, but if I make them really thick I can only get about 4 – 5.

Please note: Different GF flours absorb liquids at different rates. The dense flours take longer, so add the liquids slowly to see how much liquid you need. If the dough is too thin you may need to let it set a little longer. This dough should be about the consistency of cookie dough.

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